Epic Day on the Bay!

Wow! We really scored a great adventure the other day on the bay! The tide was just coming in around sunset and since Sue and I had both put in a long day “at the office”, we were both ready for some water time.

So we launched around dusk for a paddle out to the sandspit.

Sue said we should bring lights for our kayaks since we may be paddling after dark. I found a couple of LED lights for emergencies when the power goes out and stuffed them in my back pack along with some munchies and a couple of pocket shots of Dolce Vida.

The water was sheet glass, and we made it over to the dunes in decent time to catch a beautiful sunset. We hiked over to where we could see the ocean and ended up on top of a really awesome perch where we could see all the way from Montana De Oro to Cayucos and beyond.

It was spectacular! We stayed for a bit and thought we better get back to the boats before dark. We laughed and kept saying how lucky we were to be the only people out there and just loving every minute of it.

It was getting really dark and I put my LED lights in the inside bow of my kayak, which is a rather opaque white, not solid in color, so the lights actually shined through the hull and down into the water.

It was freakin’ GROOVY!

With the lights from Morro Bay shining on the water as we paddled, we could see the eel grass and glow of the water beneath us as we made our way back to Baywood.

Needless to say we both were stoked out of our minds at the Groovy time we had that night. For sure we are gonna do that again ASAP!

Stay Groovy, my friends.