
Getting in some groovy paddle time has been a total blessing during the Covid lock down. Obviously we all should stay away from gatherings and people in general and believe me you can’t get much further away than out in the middle of Morro Bay! Just the exercise factor alone is so worth it, plus the sheer beauty of where we live is just awesome.

So we (my paddle partner Susan) and I scored some favorable tides and headed to the dunes. I have my record store - In the Groove inside central coast music with the coolest guy in the world Ed Frawley. A gal bought some strings and a T shirt and said she wanted to give me a mask she sewed. It turned out to be a Crown Royal cloth bag that the Canadian whiskey comes in. It was super cool! Everyone comments how much they like it when I wear it.

So while on the dunes I brought the mask to be respectful and safe, but had to stop for a code yellow, or as we say take a leak. I peeled down my wetsuit and took my mask off and tucked it in to the suit while I answered Mother nature’s call. I rolled my suit back up and we headed back to Baywood. When we got to the car and I switched back into my shorts but I couldn’t find the mask. I exclaimed to Sue, “darn it I think it fell out of my suit back out on the dunes!” I was bummed…my favorite mask, gone.

About a week passed and it was a fine day for a paddle. We agreed it would be fun to at least try to find the mask. We headed over and parked the boats exactly where we were before. We retraced our steps back to where I relieved myself. No mask. We started looking all around the dunes, in plants and bushes, nothing. I said “there’s no way we’re going to find it.” Sue said “let’s just go check the surf” and we headed towards the beach. About 100 yards away from where we were looking she screams “oh my gosh! There it is is!” It was just laying in the sand safe as a bug in a rug! I screamed “holy cow! wow! Score! Who woulda thunk?!!” We jumped around like 2 little kids freaking out laughing raising our hands to the sky.

So keep those positive vibes, be cool, be kind, stay In the Groove!

Curt Miller