The Back Pages Band at the Siren Sunday March 15th


The Siren in Morro Bay was the last man standing for entertainment on the Central Coast as of Sunday afternoon.

County health officials have put the kibosh on bars having more than 250, which is way too many anyway, but now there is mandatory closing for 3 days to control St. Paddy’s day crowds.

But the Back Pages Band sent an enthusiastic crowd out with a bang as they played so many great songs at the Siren Sunday afternoon.

One of my favorite bands on the Central Coast, they have awesome musicianship and their songlist is totally unique playing the Byrds, Bowie, Buffalo Springfield even some country covers.

They always surprise by playing alot of the ‘B’ sides of groups like Tom Petty and even the Beatles.

Paul and Kelly, owners of the Siren, are fantastic supporters of live music and they have done all they can to keep local music lovers happy.

But reality and common sense say let’s all do the right thing and comply with health officials and stay home as much as possible until things get better.

I pray we all get through this in one piece. Thanks, Back Pages. You made me smile and left a good memory to hold onto for the next few weeks.